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Are you prepared for rising Interest rates?

Rising Mortgage Rates

Homeowners are being given a stern warning about imminent possible skyrocketing mortgage rate increases. Money expert Martin Lewis handed out his advice during his ‘big briefing’ segment of his TV show, stating that “UK interest rate rises are coming and are coming soon.” “Everyone with a mortgage you need to check now if you’re on […]

Lifetime ISAs

Lifetime ISAs

Lifetime ISAs (also known as LISAs) are a type of ISA created to help people save either for their first home or for retirement. If you take out a Lifetime ISA, the government will give you a bonus worth 25% of what you pay in, up to a set limit, every tax year. Find out […]

Mortgages & Self Employment

Self Employed Mortgages

How do you go about getting a mortgage when you’re self-employed? ⁣When you apply for a mortgage, you are considered to be self-employed if you have more than a 20% share of the business from which you get your main income. Being self-employed can mean different things for different people, you could be a director […]