Sleep Easy with Protection Insurance

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With the ongoing impact of the pandemic, it’s important to consider ways of insuring yourself against early death, or the inability to earn an income due to a serious illness, mental health issue or injury.

In fact according to Royal London. 15.9m people now feel more financially vulnerable than they did back in March 2020. (Source: Royal London, Aug 2021)

The warning that ‘Your property may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage’ possibly resonates with them. Those renting also need to ensure they can stay in their home should they not be able to work for a protracted length of time.

So, don’t just view Protection Insurance as a small issue to consider when taking out a mortgage deal, make sure you and your family can sleep easy at night safe in the knowledge that your home is not at risk. Get in touch with Asset Harbour by calling us today on 01276 986333 to see if what you have, currently works well for you, or if there are areas where you feel exposed.