Will Writing
Everyone should have a Will but it is even more important if you have children, you own property or have savings, investments, insurance policies or you own a business.
If you don’t have a will when you die, your money, property and possessions will be shared out according to the law instead of your wishes. This can mean they pass to someone you hadn’t intended – or that someone you want to pass things on to ends up with nothing.
Nobody hopes for the worst… but you can prepare for it.
Lasting Power Of Attorney
If you were to lose mental capacity without an LPA in place, decisions surrounding your welfare, finances, and estate will be made by an individual appointed by the Court of Protection – leaving your family powerless to act on your behalf.
A Trust allows your assets to be handed down to your beneficiaries at a time decided by you and most convenient to them, typically money or property being held for a set time period or indefinitely to provide an income or somewhere to live.
Is your Will still fit for purpose?
Not only is it important to have a Will in place, but it is equally important to have the correct Will in place. Dying without an up-to-date Will in place could result in disastrous consequences for your loved ones, leaving them vulnerable and possibly losing out.